LTA Division Guidelines



Revised 08/19/2024


  1. Members who have won 2 blue ribbons and 15 points in the LTA in a particular category in the Professional Division, or anyone who has earned their Award of Excellence at the NTA level, you must compete in Master’s Division. If a participant chooses to move to Master’s Division before earning their Award of Excellence, they cannot move back down to Professional Division in that category.
  2. Judging in this division will be on a more intense system. Craftsmanship and Artistic detail are required in this division.
  3. All taxidermy procedures must be done by the individual entrant and certified as such by his or her signature at the time of registration.
  4. Multiple ribbons will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place. There will be Louisiana State Champion awards given in each of the nine categories.
  5. There will be a Best of Master’s award given in this division.
  6. There is no limit to the number of entries a member may enter in a division. The entry fee for the Master’s Division is $25.00 per mount.
  7.  State champion must be a blue ribbon.
    NOTE:  We will not accept mounts with World, North American, or National titles at our state competition.


  1. All members of the LTA may compete in this division. Members who have won 2 blue ribbons and 15 points in a particular category cannot compete in that category in the Professional division and must move up to Master’s Division.
  2. Mounts in this division much be technically correct, artistically orientated, as well as creative. Points earned in this division will go towards the NTA Award of excellence and the LTA award of Excellence.
  3. All taxidermy procedures must be done by the individual entrant and certified as such by his or her signature at the time of registration.
  4. Multiple ribbons will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place. There will be Best of Category awards given in each of the nine categories.
  5. There is no limit to the number of entries a member may enter in this division. The entry fee for the Professional Division will be $25.00 per mount.
  6. Best of category must be a blue ribbon.
    NOTE: We will not accept mounts with World, North American or National titles at our state competition.


  1. This division is open to all LTA  members.
  2. Multiple ribbons will be awarded for first, second, and third place. No points will be given.
  3. There is no limit to the number of entries.
  4. There is a $25.00 fee per mount in this division. No critiques will be given.
  5. Pieces in this division will be judged from 10ft. away.


  1. This division is open to all children of LTA members, eighteen years old and under.  If the child is eighteen years old and making money in taxidermy they must compete in the professional division.
  2. Multiple ribbons will be awarded for first, second, and third place. No points will be given.
  3. There is no limit to the number of entries a youth may enter in this division.
  4. There is a $5.00 fee per mount in this division. (Youth members can also choose to enter either the Professional or Novice Division if they wish but will pay the per mount fee listed for that division. Points will be given in the Professional Division only.)


    1. Habitat can be judged separately from the mount but must be accompanied by a mount.
    2. A habitat score sheet will be used.
    3. Habitat has a separate scoring system:
      1st place is 46-50
      2nd place is 40-45
      3rd place is 35-39
    4. The Entry fee for the Habitat division is $20.00 per mount.


  1. This category is open to all LTA members and their families who are registered participants of the LTA Convention.
  2. All photos must be 3”x5” or larger and framed.
  3. They can be in color or black and white, and each photo should include some wildlife species.
  4. There will be three groups:
  • Still life
  • Action
  • Reference
  1. Photos will be judged by the competition judges.
  2. There will be one 1st, one 2nd, and one 3rd Place overall. No points will be given in this category.
  3. There is no limit to the number of photos you can enter. There will be an entry fee of $5.00 per photo entered.


  1. Competitors will have 3 hours to finish their mount.
  2. Competitors may bring their choice of commercial form/manikin or original sculpture.
  3. Any alterations to the manikin must be done during the competition.
  4. Manikins can be sanded or ruffed up prior to the competition, to save on time.
  5. Capes/skins can be prepped and repaired prior to the competition.
  6. Whitetail, game head, and mammal eyes must also be set at competition.


  1. Noses, lip slots and tear ducts must be done at the competition. At this time competitors can also cut and sand or add clay for detail to the manikin.
  2. Nose work must be done during the competition. Competitors may choose to use artificial septums, cast nosepieces, or replacement noses. All artificial parts must be made during the competition. Inner noses can also be rebuilt with epoxy or clay.
  3. Ears can be made with Bondo or ear liners. Ears must be done at the competition. You may pull the cartilage prior to the competition.
  4. Ear butts must be clay or like material and formed at the competition.
  5. Antlers or horns may be set and screwed down prior to the competition.


  1. Feet may be injected and painted beforehand. (Due to safety concerns)
  2. Legs cannot be pre-attached to the manikin. Must be done at the competition.
  3. Birds need to be dry before entering the competition room, Master Blasters will not be allowed in the competition room. Hair dryers are allowed.
  4. Eyes must be set at competition. Also, bills must be painted beforehand if using lacquer based paint. Pan pastels and water paints are allowed.
  5. Holes may be sewn prior to the competition.
  6. Competitors will have 30 minutes the next morning to go over their mounts before judging. No exceptions! There will be no score sheets during the judging.
  7. Judges will not know who mounted the entries.
  8. The judge’s decision will be final.
  9. Winners are announced at the Award Banquet.

Anyone may enter the competition. Entry fee will be $50.00 per person. You must bring your own supplies for assembly. The winner will be chosen and decided by the judge’s agreement on the best mount whether it be a game head, bobcat, or bird. The total entry fee purse will be the reward for the winner. We will also have the Calcutta for those who want to bet on a winner. The challenge will take place Friday from 3pm-6pm before the crawfish boil.


  1. To be eligible for this award you must be an LTA member.
  2. The mount must be native to LA, but does not have to be killed in LA. It will be judged by the judges on the best representation of a LA species and/or habitat.
  3. The competitor keeps his mount.
  4. The LA cup winner will be picked before scoring any mounts in that category. It does not have to be the highest-scoring piece but must be at least equivalent to a second place and best depict a LA mount. The judge for that category will determine if the mount is a second place or better.
  5. Categories are chosen in advance by the LTA Officers and Board. Categories that have been chosen are:

    • 2023 Waterfowl
    • 2024 Game Head
    • 2025 Mammal
    • 2026 Whitetail
    • 2027 Game Bird
    • 2028 Fish
    • 2029 Reptile

  6. The LA Cup Division has a special entry fee of $25.00 per mount which covers only the LA Cup Division. There will be no score sheet or critique given.
  7. If you would like to have your mount scored and critiqued by the judge you will also have to pay an additional $25.00 per mount fee to enter that mount separately into the Professional or Masters Division.
  8. The winner will receive a silver cup and $100.00. There will be no Second or Third Place awards.


  1. To be eligible for this award you must a LTA member.
  2. You must enter at least one mount in each of the four major categories:
    Whitetail/Gamehead (horned, hoofed, or antlered)
    • Waterfowl or upland Gamebird
    • Fish or Reptile (no reproductions. Must be a skin mount for this specific award).
    • Mammals
  3. The taxidermist with the highest accumulated score of at least 335 points will be awarded the Best All-Around Taxidermist of the year.
  4. The Best All Around Taxidermists Division has a special entry fee of $125.00 (that includes four mounts at $25.00 each plus a $25.00 Best All Around entry fee).
  5. The winner will receive a trophy and ribbon.


  1. This division is open to all LTA members.
  2. Entries may be entered by two or more individuals. Entries under a collective/studio name cannot be considered for the Best All Around Taxidermist or Louisiana Cup awards, nor LTA or NTA points credit. For example, a mount with a bird and fish with the bird done by one taxidermist and the fish by another.
  3. Entry fee for this category will be $100.00.
  4. Two (2) awards will be given. If a critique is asked for there will be a $25.00 fee


  1. Whitetail, Gamehead, Lifesize Mammals, Bird, Waterfowl, Fish, Reptile, Reproduction, Shellfish, and Amphibian Categories accrued points toward the LTA award of Excellence.
  2. Recreation and Habitat Categories, and Novice and Youth Divisions do not receive points toward the LTA Award of Excellence.


  1. Whitetail Open Mouth - inner tissue is visible to the interior of the mouth, inner frontal lip tissue, and or tongue surface. It is up to the judge to determine the degree of difficulty and accuracy for scoring purposes.
  2. Whitetail Closed Mouth – It is considered if there is a slight opening of 1/8 of an inch and only teeth visible and no inner frontal or side lip tissue.
  3. Many deer for example will show the outer lip surface with the closed mouth. Any possible variations would need to be determined by the competition chairman during the time of entry or judge’s request.

GAMEHEAD – Any should mount that is not a deer:
Small: Coyote or smaller.

Large: Larger than coyote.

HALF-LIFE SIZE MAMMAL – Has frontal hooves or feet
BIRD – Upland bird, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
SKIN MOUNT FISH – Must a skin mount
REPTILE/AMPHIBIAN - Snakes, alligators, turtles, salamanders
SHELLFISH/MOLLUSKS- any exoskeleton species (Crab, Crawfish, Oyster, Snail, Spiders & Scorpions)
WATERFOWL – Migratory Birds, Ducks, Geese, Swans, etc.
REPRODUCTION – Fish, reptile, Amphibian
Professional; a commercial blank is allowed as long as competitor performs all finishings of the blank, Taxidermist may not purchase a finished blank and enter as one’s own.
Masters: Competitor MUST cast their own blank and be able to produce pictures or mold at submission of piece for competition.


  1. The following ribbon values count toward your LTA Award of Excellence:
    • 1st place (100-90) receives 4 points
    • 2nd place (89-80) receives 3 points
    • 3rd place (79-70) receives 1 point
  1. “Best of Category” goes to the first-place mount with the highest score in each of the nine categories:
    • Whitetail
    • Gamehead
    • Waterfowl
    • Bird
    • Mammal
    • Fish
    • Reptile and amphibian
    • Reproduction
    • Shellfish
  1. “Judges Choice Award” (Breakthrough Award) will be chosen by a consensus of the judges from all 1st place mounts in the competition. It does not have to be the highest-scoring mount. The winner will receive a trophy and a ribbon. (No cash award)
  2. “People’s Choice Award” will be picked by the members in attendance. The winner will receive a trophy and a ribbon.
  3. “Best of Masters”  or “Louisiana State Champion”  will be awarded to the highest scoring mount in all categories of the Masters Division. The winner will receive a trophy and ribbon. Overall highest scoring piece in Masters will receive $100.00.
  4. “Best Of Professional”  Will be awarded to the highest scoring mount in all categories of Professional Division. The winner will receive a trophy and ribbon. Overall highest scoring piece in Professional will receive $100.00.


  1. To receive the LTA Award of Excellence you must be a current member of the LTA and have a total of 15 points and at least 2 first place in a qualified category in LTA competition since 1994.
  2. An LTA Award of Excellence may be received in each of the following categories for points accrued in that category:
    • Whitetail
    • Game head
    • Waterfowl
    • Bird
    • Mammal
    • Fish (skin mounts only)
    • Reptile & Amphibian
    • Reproduction
    • Shellfish
  3. Recreation, Habitat, and Photo Categories, and the Novice and Youth Divisions do not receive points toward the LTA Award of Excellence.
    Note: LTA points are recorded after the competition each year. They will not be lost if you fail to maintain consecutive membership at any time. Any points accrued will be picked up upon renewal in the LTA.


  1. State membership alone does not qualify you for the NTA Award of Excellence.
  2. To receive the NTA Award of Excellence you must be a member of the NTA and have:
    • 5 pts from NTA Competition including 1 1st place in a qualified category since the 1982 competition.
    • 16 additional points at the National, Regional, or State level in NTA-sanctioned competitions using NTA score sheets, criteria, and judges.
    • Points received in state competitions are turned in to NTA by the secretary after the competition each year.
    NTA ribbon values:
    • 1st place – 3 points
    • 2nd place – 2 points
    • 3rd place – 1 point
    NTA qualified categories:
    • Bird
    • Fish
    • Game head
    • Whitetail
    • Large Mammal
    • Small Mammal
    • Reptil


Presidents Challenge
Mount done by whichever species is selected by the current President and the winner is the piece closest to the original.  Plaque is awarded to the recipient.

Competitors Award
This category is judged by the submission of 4 pieces to be judged.  This can be any variation of species. There is an extra $25.00 entry fee.  There will be a Masters and Professional division.

Highest highest-scoring piece from each Professional category may be a Red Ribbon

LTA Highest Scoring Piece
Highest scoring piece from each category (usually MASTERS)

MASTERS State Champion
Highest scoring piece in each category (BLUE ribbon)

Breakthrough Best in Show
MASTERS Category Highest scoring

Lifetone Award
Highest scoring piece using Lifetone paint.

Highest scoring piece using Polytranspar paint.

Youth (Beetleshack) Award
Piece selected by Terry from Beetleshack if present.

People’s Choice sponsored by McKenzie
Voted for by the majority as a favorite piece from each category.

Overall People’s Choice sponsored by James Taxidermy Supply
Piece selected by the majority for the overall favorite piece.

Artisan Award Sponsored by UTA
Voted by competitors for the piece they believe is the best piece done by a fellow competitor.

Ben Mears Award
Highest-scoring piece done on a Ben Mears form.

Brian Harness Award / Ozark Award
Highest-scoring small Lifesize mammal

Ken Dugas Award
Highest-scoring reptile or BEST reptile selected by Ken Dugas if present.  Entry must score 88 points or better.

McKenzie Distinguished Service Award
Selected for most dedication and service.

Mounted in Alaska
Sponsored by Russel Knight of Lifesize Mammal selected by judges.

Pro1 Award
Sponsored by Pro 1 and the Highest scoring MASTERS piece that used Pro 1 in their mount.

Second 2 Nature
Highest-scoring piece mounted on a Second 2 Nature form.

Van Dykes Award
Most Creative sponsored by Van Dykes selected by judges for most original piece.

Wasco Award
Selected by judges for most Artistic Piece

Big Horn Award
Professional Division – horned animal